Rustular Logo

The Web Science that
takes web development to the next level|

Rustular: a drop-in metaframework that supercharges any web application.

Get Started
~ pnpm create rustular-app
Our Methodology
Here's how it works. Take your standard web app (like React, Vue, Next, Angular, etc.) and convert each individual component (like buttons, divs, etc.) into its own dedicated WASM module with granular reactivity. Import each module component into a primary Angular application using WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(). This process also optimizes critical CSS load times by converting every ASCII key-value into respective hexadecimal values. The beauty of this system is that if you ever need to change a single element, you don't need to recompile your entire application - just hot-swap the individual WASM module.
This is our commitment to efficiency.

Powered by:

Rust Logo

Known for its performance and memory safety, Rust is at the heart of Rustular. The Rustular build server, powered by Rust, deliver optimal performance and efficient resource utilization, ensuring your web applications are compiled and served lightning-fast.

Web Assembly Logo

WebAssembly modules make your applications fast and efficient. At Rustular, we embrace modularity by converting each individual component of your web app into a dedicated WASM module. This approach not only makes your applications quick but also simplifies maintenance, enables code reuse, and allows independent updates to specific components without recompiling the entire application.

Angular Logo

Rustular champions flexibility and framework-agnosticism, capable of interfacing efficiently with your preferred front-end technology—Angular, React, Vue, or others. While we acknowledge Angular's component-based architecture, wide-ranging capabilities, and high scalability as a great match, we value the power of choice. Our commitment is to ensure that your applications are fast, highly interactive, and user-friendly, providing a superior web experience, regardless of the chosen framework. Our vision is that any application can be Rustular.

Embrace Speed Like Never Before
We understand the importance of speed for websites. Faster loading times can lead to increased revenue, and a smoother user experience. Rustular is designed with this in mind. Experience lightning-fast loading times and ensure your users never have to wait again.
Open-Source and Community-Driven
We're proud to say that Rustular is fully open-source and community-driven. We believe that the future of web development lies in open-source software. We aim to empower developers to create incredible web experiences, and invite you to join our ever-growing Rustular community. Visit our GitHub to learn more.

Developers love Rustular!

whatplan's profile picture'
Time to rewrite my entire application in Rustular
Tonya's profile picture'
I never thought I'd be able to build a website this fast!
Iyla Kiwa's profile picture'
Iyla Kiwa
This is a monstrosity, all involved should be locked up
Dan Abramov's profile picture'
Dan Abramov
looking into this
nexxel's profile picture'
It is really awsome, interesting, this sounds really cool!
Nate Codes's profile picture'
Nate Codes
Holy sh*t this is awesome
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